Wart Treatment

While common and generally non-cancerous, warts can cause embarrassment and discomfort for many people. If you are dealing with one or several of these growths, Palm Beach Dermatology Group offers wart treatment in Delray Beach.

Our doctors have been working with patients like you since 1982, and we stay up to date on the latest techniques. You don’t need to use any home remedies that might not work. Instead, we can remove warts for you and help you feel comfortable as you undergo treatment. Contact us today at (561) 421-4143 to learn more.

Have wart?

What Are Warts?

Warts are small skin growths that spread by touch. They commonly occur on your hands or fingers but can spread to other parts of the body, as well. While some warts can go away on their own, others are stubborn and need medical removal.


Wart Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group: Dermatology Clinic

You may be able to tell if a skin growth is a wart if it has a rough texture. Warts also typically feature a pattern of clotted blood vessels, often appearing as small black dots on the skin’s surface.

Wart Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group: Dermatology Clinic


What Causes Warts?

According to Mayo Clinic, most warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can spread through skin-to-skin contact or objects that have come in contact with the virus.

Not everyone will develop warts when they have contact with HPV. However, people who may be at an increased risk include:

  • Children
  • Young adults
  • Anyone with a weakened immune system caused by HIV or AIDS

Wart Treatments
We Offer in Delray Beach

Depending on your condition, our doctors may recommend one of the following wart treatment methods:

  • Salicylic acid peel: Topical wart medications that contain salicylic acid can clear up your skin by removing layers of the wart over time
  • Cryotherapy: During this freezing therapy, we will apply liquid nitrogen to the wart, causing a blister to form. Dead tissue will cause the wart to fall off.
  • Trichloroacetic acid: One of our doctors will shave the wart, then apply trichloroacetic acid to the surface of your skin.
  • Surgery: We may recommend you undergo surgery to remove the wart from your skin.

Wart Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group: Dermatology Clinic

You may want to consider having a skin tag removed if it becomes irritated or sensitive. While skin tags don’t pose any serious health risks, discomfort is enough reason to have them removed.

Tips for
Preventing Warts

There are a few actions you can take to prevent warts. Generally, the HPV virus that causes warts spreads through cuts in your skin, so you should avoid:

  • Picking at your skin or trying to pick the wart off


  • Biting your fingernails


  • Shaving or brushing any spot where you notice a wart

Wart Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group: Dermatology Clinic

Benign Moles Removal - Medical Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group Florida

Contact Us Today to
Learn More About Our
Wart Treatment in
Delray Beach

Whether you have one or several warts, you may suffer from self-consciousness and discomfort. You don’t have to endure the negative self-image warts can cause when you work with the doctors at Palm Beach Dermatology Group.

We can help you feel confident in your skin when you make your appointment for wart treatment in Delray Beach.

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