Hives Treatment

Chronic urticaria, commonly known as hives, can significantly affect your everyday life. These red and extremely itchy bumps often make it difficult for sufferers to focus on anything else. At Palm Beach Dermatology Group, our doctors provide hives treatment in South Florida. Hives treatment is just one of our services to help you get healthy and stay that way. Our goal is to provide care that our patients can access at any point in life. We can determine what causes your hives, how to manage them, and how to prevent them in the future. Contact us at (561) 499-0660 for more information.

Have Hives?
Causes and Treatments

What Causes Hives? What
Treatments Are Available?

Hives are a skin reaction that occurs when the body releases histamine in response to a perceived threat, such as:

  • An allergen
  • Heat or sweat
  • Extreme cold
  • Pressure
  • Stress
  • Too much sun

While many people experience hives occasionally, you want to see a dermatologist if you have hives that:

  • Continue for more than a couple of days


  • Significantly affect your work, school, or quality of life


  • Cover a large portion of your body


  • Occur because of a possible allergy

Our doctors provide allergy testing and other services related to diagnosing and treating hives. We use AllergiEnd™ and T.R.U.E. TEST, both needle-free methods of identifying what is causing your reaction.

Hives Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group

Possible allergens include foods, bug bites, medications, plants, and animals. Prevention is often vital to dealing with hives and other allergic reactions.


Hives Treatment We Offer

Regarding treatment, our highly-credentialed doctors offer the latest techniques and pharmaceuticals. They could include:

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  • Anti-itch lotions
  • Antihistamines
  • Oral corticosteroids
  • Other prescription medications
  • Phototherapy

Hives Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group


Who Can Receive Hives
Treatment in South Florida?

Our South Florida dermatologists provide care for patients of all ages, and we accept a wide range of insurance plans, including Medicare. Hives are a common condition, but there are also several effective treatments.

If you have chronic hives or worry there is an unknown allergen cause, we encourage you to contact us for an appointment. We offer a variety of options for medical management and prevention. Our South Florida doctor can work to identify the cause of your medical condition and explain a treatment plan developed specifically for you.

Our team also respects your time. There is a short wait to see our doctors and a quick follow-up with your test results. We know you came to us for answers, so we want to get them to you as soon as possible.

Hives Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group


What Symptoms Does
Hives Treatment Address?

When our dermatologists treat hives, we want to alleviate your symptoms, such as:

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  • Controlling the itch: The itch is the most limiting symptom of hives. Most people with hives experience an insatiable itch. Scratching only makes the hives worse. Sometimes, this itch is so bad that it causes you to miss work or school, limit your activities, or struggle to sleep.
  • Eliminating the redness: Hives can also cause cosmetic concerns, especially on the face, neck, hands, or arms. They are often very red and raised. Eliminating this physical symptom can make you more comfortable returning to work or getting back to your usual activities.
  • Preventing new occurrences: You do not have to wonder if or when your hives will come back. Our team works to develop a plan to avoid triggers and prevent new occurrences of hives. When we cannot identify the cause of your hives, we will make other recommendations to reduce your risk of recurrence.
  • Identifying the cause: Our health care providers in South Florida work to diagnose your allergies, autoimmune condition, or another cause of your hives and provide the medical care to help you manage it. Identifying the cause of hives is often the best way to treat and prevent them. When you know why you develop this common skin condition, avoiding it in the future is much easier.

Hives Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group


How to

Our team works to determine the cause of your hives through the following:

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  • Investigating your medical history
  • Asking you questions about your recent activities
  • Conducting allergy tests
  • Doing blood work
  • Possibly taking a skin biopsy

The only way to prevent a recurrence is by identifying the cause. We understand the common causes, use cutting-edge testing and the latest techniques to determine the likely cause, and develop a plan to avoid the trigger.

Hives Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group


Got Any Questions for Our South Florida Doctors? We Can Help You.

When a patient with hives comes to our office, they often ask questions like:

Hives Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group

Why Choose Palm Beach Dermatology Group?


At Palm Beach Dermatology Group, our staff is a family, and we treat every patient like they’re part of our family. From the minute you walk into our office, you will feel at home. We provide a comfortable waiting area but respect your time, so you will not be waiting long.

We also provide the latest procedures, pharmaceuticals, techniques, and other services.

How Can I Manage My Hives Until My Appointment?

There are many over-the-counter topical treatments for hives. These methods could reduce the itch and redness until your appointment. Oral antihistamines such as Benadryl also help some people manage chronic hives.

Hives Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group

Hives Treatment - Palm Beach Dermatology Group

What Are My Treatment Options for Hives?


Our doctors stay up to date on the latest advances in skincare, medical treatment, and techniques. We prescribe medications, phototherapy, and other treatment options for our patients while we work to identify the potential causes of their hives and develop a plan to prevent future issues.

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Contact Palm Beach
Dermatology Group in
South Florida Today

For over 40 years, Palm Beach Dermatology Group has helped patients in South Florida manage, treat, and prevent concerning skin conditions and provided a range of medical and cosmetic services. Call (561) 499-0660 today to schedule your initial consultation.

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